Mark your Calendars!
This years Breakout Party 's theme is "Back to the 80"s"! Show us your nostalgic Harley Davidson wear or dress in your most 80's wear! Get your tickets now! Guests are welcome but will need to be accompanied by HOG members. Food is apart of your tickets. Water and Tea will be provided, open bar in the room next door with a short walk through the hallway. This years food will be catered from City Barbaque!
The party will be held at the Greenwood Veteran of Foriegn Wars Post 5864 facilty. Entrance will be in the frontside of the building towards the street.
Doors to open at 6pm, Dinner to be served at 7pm
If the link doesnt work for you, please check and make sure you are apart of our facebook group at
Open Event: This event is open to Chapter members, National H.O.G. members and other guests as desired.
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